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Sunday, January 22

Mobile Mania..

Everybody owns one
Without it there's none..

It has become so common
and now a thing of fashion..

It is no more seen as something necessary 
but it is valued as a showy accessory..

by the so called "gadget freaks"
whose craziness reached peaks..

The manufacturers keep upgrading the features
to attract these silly creatures..

Today with "Android" comes Samsung nexus
Tomorrow with "Siri" comes iphone 4S..

From Blackberry to Omnia
and Wildfire to Xperia..

You keep buying every new model
n feel like a winner of an olympic gold medal..

There's no limit to your obsession
which u prefer to call it as ur 'passion'..

Well then carry on with ur drive
to help the mobile companies thrive..

I wish for your extreme loyality
the companies offer u a % of their royality.. ;)

By the way, I use Samsung corby
yeah I know
U will say it's worth less than a doll barbie..

But I'm not gonna buy a new piece
as I know it (CORBY) will just suffice.. :)

Monday, January 16

Robbie's barbie..!!!

     Hey hey Ruby

    My name is Robbie

    I work as a cabbie

    Loving u is my hobby

    I wanna be ur hubby

    Meet me in the lobby

    which looks a bit shabby

    if u wanna be my barbie..

    Without u my baby,

    I will just be a zombie..

Thursday, January 12

The day that gave me my brother..!!!

                Today is special .. This date..January 11th  in 1990 gave the world the most beautiful person.. Gave my parents the most caring son and gave me the most loving  brother.. He is this one big reason of my existence..  The one who means the world to me.. The one who makes me feel that I'm blessed , I'm lucky and I'm special.. Words cannot express how much I love him and I know that he loves me even more.. 
                  Every day with him is amazing..All the funny talk, stupid blackmails, going out and the quarrels over silly things and the fights.. There's no end to the list of things he has done for me.. coming with me for my shopping and being so patient, dropping and picking me up everyday at my stop, getting all the things I ask for, giving me everything I ever wanted,always being there for me.. I don't know if I deserve all this love and care.. I just wanna thank god for giving me the best brother ever..Out of all the  people on this planet you picked me as his sister..thank you veryyyyyyy much..:)  I just can't imagine my life without him.. It would  just be so incomplete..literally..!!
                     Well what made january 11,2012 even more special is that my CAT result was out today and fortunately I managed to get a good percentile..I closed my eyes in the morning sitting before my PC and prayed that it should be above 80 and guess what..!! My prayer has been answered..It's way above 80..!! something I didn't really expect.. Two months of waiting.. 11.11.11 to 11.01.12.. It all ended well...
                   Thanks to prometric and the IIM authorities or whosoever it is.. Thanks for releasing the result on this day..I couldn't have given my brother a better gift than this on his birthday.. I know it's nothing compared to all the things on the earth he has done for me and he has given to me but he is someone who wouldn't ask for more.. He is so happy..I'm happy.. It's a perfect day..What a great start to the year.. Thank you one and everyone who in some or the other way helped me in delivering this gift safely to my lovinggggggggg brother..;) :)
                        Love you annayyaaaaaaaaaaaa..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, January 5

Self-proclaimed diva.. ;-)

There she comes
throwing tantrums..

Daughter of a billionaire
but we don't care..

Steps out of her Audi
wearing something gaudy..

She says it's "Armani"
We say waste of money..

Speaks with a weird accent
which is fake to the 100th %..

Typical foreign returned
who just loves to pretend..

Carries a bag of Chanel
Apt to be described as banal..

Looks like a lollipop
in her layers of make up..

Parties hard till late nights
gets involved in cat fights..

Judges everything by price tag
To be around her is such a fag..

Her world revolves around riches
which is filled with glitches..  

Tuesday, January 3

The racinggg legend..!!!

In the field of formula one racing
you are the evergreen king..

The seven time world champion
who symbolized the red of Ferrari like a lion..

With your dedicated effort
you made it to the top spot in the sport..

I bet everyone would agree
that you ruled every grand prix..

Your  fame spread across the planet
to such an extent that..

When asked to write about the sport on paper
the first word that many write is SCHUMACHER..

There’s almost none who don’t know you
you gave the sport, a whole new view..

Hoping that forever you stay this way,
I wish you a very happy birthday..!!!!!!

Sunday, January 1

My 2011.. (memories,experiences and lessons)

                The curtains are falling down.. the world is about to say goodbye to one more magnificent year.. a year that gave us a myriad of experiences.. For some it may have been the best year of their life..for some the worst..for some just an other year.. From the  Tunisians liberation to the Syrians  trepidation.. from South Sudan jubilation to Neptune spear operation.. we saw a variable shades of life this year..
               Well My 2011 was a mélange of feelings..a plethora of emotions and it offered me countless lessons ..

                It all started  with pain..not the "kolaveri di" kinda was jan 5th,solang valley,manali.. learnt a simple lesson there. Never even think about touching snow with bare hands,let alone playing with it.. The pain I experienced was inexplicable..talking  about pain..if mine was inexplicable..then  what adjective could ever describe the pain the somalians must have felt when their land was struck by a famine the worst in 20 yrs.. only god knows..  well don’t get to any conclusions or make presumptions that I started my year with pain..So it’s gonna be a very sad story n all.. Let me tell u..U never know what’s gonna happen next..

                 Hmm..the next big thing was a shocker.. march 5th as I remember.. On that day ,memories of years were vanished in seconds..  Well not from my mind but from my PC.. Disc cleaned.. but I don’t blame anyone.. Things like that’s ok..There’s no point in crying and feeling bad because no matter what I do,it can’t be restored..Stress only gives stress marks and nothing else.. If the people of Japan can maintain dignity n remain calm in the face of a worst calamity which is of an unprecedented magnitude.. Why couldn’t I ? After all, what did I lose.!! some files..virtual memories..that’s it..Thank you Japan for the lesson..

                   Next was separation.. Separation from my brother..When he realized that I was feeling sad because he’s gonna stay away from  me..He asked me for whatever reason it is.. “Shall I study in the university that’s in our city?”  Thank god I said no..It’s his future that matters the most.. I’m so happy for him now..Sometimes letting go something or someone u really love and care about is the best thing to do..Thank you annayya for making me realize this beautiful fact..

2011-A year of liberation